Exploring the World’s Wildlife Through Tattoo Art, is a feast for the eyes and is brimming with inspiration from some of the world’s best tattooists. Featuring 304 full-color pages, this artistic beauty not only contains tattoo work from 160 talented tattoo artists, but in addition, includes 62 stories about specific animal tattoos with details, meanings, and inspiration from the collectors who wear the ink and the artists who inked them.
Animal designs have appeared throughout history in all facets of the art world, so it’s no surprise that utilizing animals’ beauty, strength, and grace has been a large focus within the genre of tattoo art. For those seeking animal tattoos, there is an endless array of styles, creativity, and artists to choose from and Animal Ink encompasses and celebrates these many different displays within its pages by featuring almost 900 tattoos from creatures of the wild kingdom.
Whether your interest is that of a zoological focus, tattoo art, reference inspiration, or keeping up with the impressive accomplishments of tattooists around the globe, Animal Ink is an exceptional addition to any library.